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Baby Bear lives in a home with the Big Bears, and loves to chase butterflies and make mud pies - they make Baby Bear's tummy fill with sunshine. Then, one night, Baby Bear hears a big storm downstairs in the house and in the morning, Baby Bear's tummy starts to feel grey and rainy. How will such a small bear cope with these big new feelings?

This sensitive, charming storybook is written to help children who have lived with violence at home to begin to explore and name their feelings. Accompanied by notes for adults on how to use each page of the story to start conversations, it also features fun games and activities to help to understand and express difficult emotions. It will be a useful book for social workers, counselors, domestic violence workers and all grown-ups working with children.

How Are You Feeling Today Baby Bear?

    Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

    PO Box 236 |710 Garfield Street, Suite 218 |Laramie, WY 82073 

    Main Office: 307-755-5481       Legal Program: 307-755-0992

    Fax: 307-755-5482 | Toll Free: 1-844-264-8080   


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