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During these times of social distancing, prevention is going to look a little different for many preventionists. For example, we aren't able to conduct educational sessions in the traditional classroom settings or speak to groups of people like before. However, there are still many ways to engage with people in our communities, across ages,

with a little bit of creativity and a bit of adaptation.

Click here for a few possibilities - the list is frequently updated.



What is Primary Prevention?

Primary prevention efforts are approaches that take place before violence occurs to prevent initial perpetration or victimization. We know from our experience with other public health issues that primary prevention strategies work.  (CDC, 2004).


Prevention Resources


Recorded Webinars

Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

PO Box 236 |710 Garfield Street, Suite 218 |Laramie, WY 82073 

Main Office: 307-755-5481       Legal Program: 307-755-0992

Fax: 307-755-5482 | Toll Free: 1-844-264-8080   




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