Learn about domestic violence and sexual assault.
Read books and articles, watch documentaries, go to educational events that your local domestic violence and sexual assault program sponsors.
Like so many others, you might find that once you learn about it, you suddenly see it all around you. What should you do then?
If you have a friend, family member, co-worker or neighbor who is experiencing domestic violence or sexual assault, the very best thing you can do for that person is to listen, believe, and do all you can to keep the person from getting isolated. Provide options and resources—get help.
Speak up.
If you have a friend, family member, co-worker or neighbor who is being abusive and controlling of their family member, and you feel like it's safe to do so, speak up. If you know someone who has been sexually assaulted or that is sexually assaulting, speak up. Social tolerance and silence promotes the acceptance of domestic violence and sexual assault. A statement as simple as “That’s unacceptable” is incredibly powerful.
Talk to your employer or school.
Does your company and/or school have good policies to help victims stay safe? Is there something about your company or school that could be adapted to support victims? Be creative!
Talk to your legislators.
Today is a good day to call or write your state and federal legislators. Let them know you are concerned about domestic violence and sexual assault and ask them what they are doing to support victims. Go to our Public Policy page for contact information.
Write a letter to the editor.
There are all kinds of things you can comment on about domestic violence and sexual assault in the local media - if you want to commend your local domestic violence and sexual assault program or if you see reporting that perpetuates harmful myths, let your opinion be known.
February is Stalking Awareness and Prevention Month.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month.
If your local program is having events, plan to attend or volunteer to help. Put up a poster. Ask your religious leader to give a sermon or message that addresses domestic violence and sexual assault. Organize a neighborhood dinner and invite an advocate to give a short talk.
Be creative!