Language Access Plan
The Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (WCADVSA) has prepared this Language Access Plan (“LAP” or “Plan”), which defines the actions to be taken by WCADVSA to ensure meaningful access to agency services, programs and activities on the part of persons who have Limited English Proficiency (LEP). WCADVSA’s commitment to ending all forms of oppression demands that we address and remove barriers to equal and meaningful access for the people we serve.
The purpose of this plan is to ensure clients of the WCADVSA will have meaningful access to services, programs and activities although they may be limited in their English language proficiency. Providing access to services will be at no cost to the client. The WCADVSA is committed to this Language Access Plan as the appropriate response to meeting our clients’ needs. The Plan is consistent with the requirements in all relevant state and federal laws and regulations."
WCADVSA leadership and Language Access Coordinators will review and update, on a biannual basis, this LAP in order to ensure continued responsiveness to community needs and compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.